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What to consider before braiding? - GlammedNaturallyOil

What to consider before braiding?

What to consider before braiding? - GlammedNaturallyOil

What to consider before braiding?

Braiding is THE hairstyle of hairstyles;  Versatility, check;  Protective, check;  Long-Lasting, check;  Low Maintenance, check!  Braids are your go-to hairstyle especially if you're trying to r...

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Why is it important to scalp care when a protective hairstyle is installed? - GlammedNaturallyOil

Why is it important to scalp care when a protective hairstyle is installed?

Styling your hair is extremely important as it adds self-confidence especially when you are interacting with people every day, but frequent styling can also affect your scalp.There are different ki...

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Link Between Heart Disease and Hair Loss - GlammedNaturallyOil

Link Between Heart Disease and Hair Loss

Hair loss can definitely destroy confidence and self esteem and may lead to an emotional outburst or even worse depression. But did you know that it could be a marker of heart disease risk, especia...

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Myths That You Shouldn't Believe About Your Natural Hair Care - GlammedNaturallyOil

Myths That You Shouldn't Believe About Your Natural Hair Care

There are so many interesting theories as to why afro hair is so unique; one being the fact that the hair evolved to sustain the African heat. The light density combined with the coil shape gives o...

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How To Promote Hair Growth And Prevent Hair Loss - GlammedNaturallyOil

How To Promote Hair Growth And Prevent Hair Loss

The best way to prevent hair loss is to do everything you can to maintain healthy hair and promote good hair growth. Learn about some of the things you can do to improve the health of your hair. So...

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Sealing and Oiling Your Natural Hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

Sealing and Oiling Your Natural Hair

Depending on hair’s porosity, sealing in moisture can be crucial if you want to prevent dry hair. Hair that has high porosity is more prone to dryness, since this type of hair doesn’t seem to retai...

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