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Harmful Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Hair Care Products - GlammedNaturallyOil

Harmful Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Hair Care Products

Harmful Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Hair Care Products - GlammedNaturallyOil

Harmful Ingredients That You Should Avoid In Hair Care Products

You walk into your favorite beauty shop and see piles of hair care products on the shelf. You pick up a familiar product that was endorsed by your favorite celebrity, in fact, this product does hav...

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Dos & Don'ts Of Elastic/Rubber Bands For Styling Your Natural Hair - GlammedNaturallyOil

Dos & Don'ts Of Elastic/Rubber Bands For Styling Your Natural Hair

I’m sure at some point, you have had to section your hair or tie it up, perhaps even had to style it in numerous ways. Elastic bands though mostly underrated  are common essentials for every natura...

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Things People Need to Stop Saying to Naturalistas - GlammedNaturallyOil

Things People Need to Stop Saying to Naturalistas

It feels “oh-so-great!” when you get a compliment about how great your natural hair looks - it feels amazing that someone appreciates all the work you put into maintaining your natural hair, right?...

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Biotin; Myth or Miracle? 10 facts you should  know about Biotin. - GlammedNaturallyOil

Biotin; Myth or Miracle? 10 facts you should know about Biotin.

You have probably heard a lot about Biotin as regards hair growth and other functions that it performs as regards body health as well. But how factual is it? Does Biotin actually work to grow your ...

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What to do if you have hair lice - GlammedNaturallyOil

What to do if you have hair lice

Lice are very tiny parasites that can infest your hair and live in it. Lice are mostly contracted through personal contact with someone that has it or through sharing of personal belongings with su...

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